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Final WEEK Week 6 consisted of touching up everything and printing the booklet.  Front cover  Discover wellington and Final map  Facts and Sports and Rec DPS'S Back page  The use of my own images:  Rationale  What was your topic? - My topic was Skinny Dipping  What were the relevant ra tionale and emotive qualities/attitude/atmosphere you wanted to convey? -  I wanted to produce a sleek but cheeky/fun design to my brochure. I wanted to convey youth and fun and a bit of daringness.  How does the visual language, application of grid and typographic approach achieve this? - I used an 8x6 grid to ensure harmony within my design. nit also to spread my illustration throughout my grid to break it. To give controlled madness. The bold type and colours give off the element of fun.    What did you learn about your own process (positive and/or negative—we love reflection!) and how will this inform you

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